About Barstow
This is Barstow
Barstow Memorial School, long recognized as being dedicated to academic excellence, is a PK-8 school of 240 students located in rural Chittenden, Vermont. We enroll students from the towns of Chittenden and Mendon, as well as tuition students from other surrounding areas.
Our school was built back in the 1930’s as a memorial to Frederic Duclos Barstow by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Slocum Barstow. Frederic Barstow moved to Chittenden from Great Neck, Long Island after serving in World War I. He built a home on the high left bank of East Creek just above the village. Mr. Barstow organized and ran the Vermont Silver Fox Farm in an effort to introduce pheasants to Vermont forests. Frederic was also interested in assisting the local youth through high school and college. He traveled extensively and brought some local young people on those trips with him. He died while on one of those trips in 1931 at the age of thirty-six.
At the time of Frederic’s death, the town school consisted of two rooms in the old schoolhouse in Chittenden Village. The local PTA was trying to find ways of raising $500 for repairs to bring the building up to state standards. At this point, Mr. and Mrs. Barstow stepped in with the idea of a memorial school for their son. Part of the school was built in 1933, and then an addition was completed in 1939. In 1965, the present middle school wing was added. In May of 2002, construction began once again at the school to bring the existing facility into full compliance with all federal fire, health, safety and architectural standards (ventilation/ air quality, electrical, and handicapped accessibility). A larger, junior high size gymnasium was built in the courtyard area. Two levels of general classrooms designed to house grades three and four were constructed in the old gym space, as well as special education and world languages. Music, art, and administration moved into the vacated third and fourth grade classrooms. Restoration of the hall/auditorium allows the space to be used as a multi-purpose room, which serves both school and community. Adequate space for guidance, health, teachers’ work area, kitchen and storage were reconfigured into the renovation of the existing building, and the installation of an elevator provides handicapped accessibility to all sections of the school.
A trust fund had been set up by the Barstow’s which contributes $25,000 annually to fund approved enrichment activities.