Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for RNESU Families
What is a Multi-tiered System of Supports?
The Vermont agency of Education defines MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) as, “a framework that unifies educational opportunities and supports to improve outcomes and ensure equity for all students.”
MTSS is not a separate program or class, but rather a way of organizing instruction and intervention to help all students. The goal of MTSS is to provide high quality instruction and intervention based on student need. The MTSS framework helps educators use data to identify students who may need additional Academic, Social Emotional, and/or Behavioral support.
For more information please visit: Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports (VT Agency of Education)
What can I expect from schools using a Multi-Tiered System of Supports?
Notice of Academic, Social Emotional, and/or Behavioral concerns
Information about your child’s progress toward grade level proficiencies
Instruction and support matched to your child’s needs
Feedback on how your child is making progress toward their goals
Involvement in data based problem solving via Educational Support Team (EST)
How does the school identify and support students?
Throughout the school year, schools screen students to determine whether students are proficient in grade level standards and which students require additional support.
School based teams use a problem-solving process to monitor progress and plan interventions for additional support if necessary.
These problem solving and/or Educational Support Teams (EST) can include principals, educators, school counselors, intervention specialists, district coaches, and parents.
Problem solving teams include parents and staff who know the student, understand grade level expectations and the problem-solving process.
Effective Intervention and Layered Supports
The MTSS framework values universal instruction and acknowledges that additional layers of support may be necessary for some students.
Although some students will need intensive specific interventions, it acknowledges that many supports are provided right within the context of universal instruction. Some students may require brief support in the classroom or from an intervention specialist. The same student may need group counseling for social-emotional issues while requiring intensive support or interventions in a core subject like math or reading.
A comprehensive multi-tiered system of support requires input and engagement from all stakeholders in order to determine the most appropriate support for a student, as well as progress monitoring and data based decision making.
Who do I contact if my child is struggling and needs support?
Contact your child’s classroom teacher, the school principal, or school counselor with your concerns.
For more information about key terms, please visit: MTSS Glossary of Key Terms (Branching Minds)