Good evening Lothrop Community!
A staff member remarked "it felt like the first normal day..." as we all gathered out on the blacktop for Friday morning meeting. Kennedy Park, a local band, which includes Lothrop Alumni, Gunnar Tinsman joined us for "Music in our Schools." Mrs. Bruce collected some Lothrop Staff for a surprise performance as they played, "I love Rock n Roll" with the band. It was a super fun start to the day :) Pictures and video to follow in next week's newsletter.
This week ended the mask mandate and we will transition to masks being optional. In this week's Panther Press, Mrs. Parker has outlined our protocols as we ease our way out of the pandemic, FINALLY!
Your child may have asked you for money for "raffle tickets." It is true, there is a raffle happening at Lothrop. I have included information in the Press below. Learners may bring in money and their teacher will arrange a time that they can purchase tickets and add them to the bags they choose that correspond with the appropriate baskets.
Family conferences begin next week. I encourage you to take a look at the links, also included in the Press, of each grade level's portrait of a learner. This provides a guide to the work your child is doing this year. It is a good document to steer conversations regarding your child's progress.
Looks like some snow is headed our way. Hoping that it is the last of the winter. Safe travels if you have to be out tomorrow. I wish you all a great weekend!