Health Office
Dear Families,
Please take a few moments to check out the health office information and forms, as well as the Peanut Safe School information linked below.
These are a few reminders to help you with your child’s health needs at school.
IMMUNIZATIONS: If your child is given new immunizations, please send a copy of their immunization record to school, so your child’s health record can be updated. Forms for religious exemptions must be completed yearly.
MEDICATIONS: If your child needs to take medication at school, including daily medications, as needed medications, inhalers, epinephrine (EpiPen), etc., please bring the medication to school in the original container with a pharmacy label. First doses of prescription medication at school can only be given on Tuesdays (when the school nurse is present).
Prescription Medication Permission Form: This form must be completed by your child’s healthcare provider, and parent/guardian before medications can be given at school. Medications will not be given without this completed form. If an older student wishes to carry his/her own medication, i.e., inhaler, EpiPen, or other medication, please let me know at the start of the school year, this will require written permission from your healthcare provider.
Medication Administration Procedure: This is the procedure for students who need to take medication at school. Please take a moment to read it. It can be found on the Health Office Section of the Leicester website. Please keep in mind that it is preferable to give medications at home, when possible, and first doses should always be given at home.
ONLINE REGISTRATION: Please complete the medical section of the online registration as thoroughly as possible. If any information changes throughout the 2016-17 school year, please notify me right away. This includes any new medical problems/conditions, medications at home, or at school, allergies, etc.
MEDICAL ACTION PLANS: Students with asthma, seizures, or allergies that may require rescue medication (i.e. inhaler, Diastat, EpiPen) necessitate an emergency action plan to be shared with all school staff that work with your child. Please ask your child’s primary care provider, or appropriate specialist, to complete an action plan for your child’s asthma/seizure/allergy as appropriate, and share it with the school nurse on, or before, the first day of school. Providers are happy to complete these documents to assure the best care for their patients in the school setting.
Vision and hearing screenings will be completed on all Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students during the school year. Abnormal results will be communicated to your family right away. Please let me know if you have any specific concerns, or if you wish to have your child in another grade screened.
Asthma Action Plan | Head Lice Information | Leicester School Immunization Requirements | Medication Procedure | Peanut Safe School Information | Prescription Medication permission form LCS | Vermont Recommended Child and Teen Vaccination Schedule | When to Keep Your Child Home Due to Illness |
Oct 1, 2016, 7:14 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:17 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:13 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:13 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:12 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:13 PM | Mar 27, 2017, 8:42 PM | Oct 1, 2016, 7:17 PM |