Barstow Unified Union Board

Policy Title: 1.0 Global Ends

1.0 Barstow Unified Union School District exists so that all enrolled students are
empowered with the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to be successful and
contributing citizens of a global society by way of the resources invested by the

Barstow Unified Union School Board Meeting Agendas, Documents and Minutes

Policy Governance Presentation -
The Magic of Meaningful Board Meetings Using Policy Governance  (Passcode:  by02v?W&)

BUU School Board Member Candidate Information

BUUSD Policy Governance Policies

BUUSD Policy Monitoring Reports

BUU School Board Work Plan

Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm at Barstow School.
All meeting dates are subject to change due to school vacations, special called meetings, and holidays.

(See School Board Monthly Meeting Schedule on School Boards page for details.)

The School Board would like to hear from you. Please REACH OUT to share your thoughts, questions and concerns.

Barstow Unified Union Formation Plan and Articles

BUU Certification Letter from Secretary Holcombe 02/23/16

School Board Officers:
To contact a specific board member, please use the following email format:
first initial.last

REACH OUT to send a message to the Board.

  • Deborah Singiser (At-Large) 2026 - Chair

  • Tony Roberts (At-Large) 2027 - Clerk

  • Ethan Bodin (Chittenden) 2027 - RNESU Board Rep.

  • Leo Pond (Chittenden) 2028 - RNESU Board Rep.

  • Gregory Smith (Mendon) 2028 - RNESU Board Rep.

Barstow Unified Union School Board Brochure